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Fall Kids Closet - Table Registration

  • Saturday, September 26, 2015
  • 7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Avon Lake High School, 175 Avon Belden Road, Avon Lake, OH 44012
  • 2


  • For general ALECPTA paid members. Limit 3 Tables. *If registering for more than one table enter under "Additional Guests"
  • PAID ALECPTA Board member
    *If registering for more than one space, please enter under "Additional Guests"
  • Table registration for non-ALECPTA members. Limit 3 tables. *If more than one space is needed, please enter that number under "Additional Guests"

Registration is closed
Join us for one of the area's largest resale events! Need gently used kids clothing, toys, or other kid gear? No problem, you'll find lots of options here for newborn through the tween years. Ready to get rid of your extra kid clutter to make room for more? No problem, we've got you covered. You can even make enough cash to start working on that next Christmas list!

Table registration for Board members opens on August 17th, General members opens August 24th, and public registration begins August 31st

Check out our map for table requests!

The fine print for sellers:

Kids Closet is the resale of gently used infant, children, teen and maternity clothing. Also included are furniture, shoes, toys, games & other misc. items for all ages of children. You price and sell your own items and keep all profits. 

 COST: ALECPTA PAID* Board Members: $20 per SPACE

ALECPTA PAID* General Members: $25 per SPACE

Non-Members: $30 per SPACE

*ALECPTA Members must pay 2015-2016 membership dues to sign up under the member rates.
 SPACES: Your selling space will be 10’ long x 10’ deep. All tables and clothes racks must fit in that space. If you need a large round cafeteria table provided, please indicate this in the “do you need a table” option on the registration form. Each seller can put 2 items in the Big Item area per space purchased. Cribs, pack & plays and beds cannot be assembled. 
 SCHEDULE: Seller Set-up:  Friday, September 25, 2015
  • 6:00-10:00 pm – for ALECPTA members & non-members

Sale: Saturday, September 26, 2015

  • Sellers arrive at 6:30 am
  • Early Shopping for public 7:00 am ($5 admission)
  • Public Shopping 9 am – 12 pm ($2 admission)


Sellers will receive a more detailed “seller information sheet” via e-mail prior to the sale. If you do not receive this confirmation letter at least 1 week prior to the sale, please contact Robyn (alecpta.kidscloset@gmail.com), you may be on the waiting list. Your space(s) is not reserved until your payment and registration are received. Money is due with registration. Once the space(s) is reserved there are No Refunds for any reason. Space sales and assignments are on a “first come, first serve” basis.

For more information:  alecpta.kidscloset@gmail.com

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