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ALECPTA General Meeting

  • Monday, September 08, 2014
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Avon Lake Public Library, Gallery Room


Registration is closed
Membership Kick-Off and First General Meeting! 

Please join us for our Membership Kick-Off and First Meeting of the Year, Monday, September 8, 2014. 

Location: Avon Lake Public Library, Gallery Room
32649 Electric Blvd., Avon Lake 44012

Refreshments: Provided by The Breakwall. 

In-person Membership Registration*: 6:30-7:15pm

General Meeting: 7:15-8:30pm

*Annual membership is $25 for the year. Cash or check will be accepted at In-Person Membership Registration. Online registration is available now at www.alecpta.com

Meeting Agenda: In addition to introducing the organization and its leaders, we will be creating behavioral charts for our kids. 

Community Service: Back-to-School Food Drive for CRS
Please bring individually packaged breakfast items to the meeting (i.e., oatmeal, small cereal boxes, fruit cups, etc.).

Committees: Interested in joining a committee or being a part of the Board? Signs up will be available at the meeting.  

After Meeting Social: Please join us after the meeting at The Breakwall, 153 Lear Rd. 

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